
sponsor callout

yup! it's sponsor time again! march is flying by - two weeks today it'll be mah burthday!!!! wanna join in the fun next month?? my xl feature ad is available - best placement at the top of my right sidebar the whole month long - plus lots of linky loving ;)

if you want to be part of TEP next month drop me an email


♥♥ stay in touch! ♥♥ follow this blog ♥♥ twitter ♥♥ facebook ♥♥ shop ♥♥


  1. Oh my big 3-0 is comin' up right after yours. {sigh}
    I would like a small ad space please. Email me at shelleysarina@hotmail.com I am gonna take your button and put it on my sidebar right now!

  2. Blarg. My laptop won't click your email thing like it's supposed to.
    I'm totally interested in the xl ad if it's available. If not, i'd still like a large ad.
    Email me please at mythreebittles@yahoo.com


Hey! Thanks for leaving a message. I read and appreciate every one :)