
happiness is....

 'happiness is...' -  each week we'll meet two lovely ladies to find out what happiness is to them.... if you'd like to take part please drop me an email :)


what makes you happiest?
A few things: returning to the trailhead after a long hike, eating a giant taco, early Saturday morning adventures with my boyfriend, finishing a project, and giving somebody a gift they didn’t ask for but totally love. 

do you have a ‘happy place’?
Yes! It is inside a warm tent during the afternoon with the rain fly off so I can see the trees and sky. I like to lay on my back and enjoy the quiet while I relax after a long hike or day of driving. It is so nice to be camping, and that’s where I’m happiest. It could be in the desert, the Sierras, or even the valley of Zion National Park.

do you have a favourite happy song?
I don’t think I have one song that triggers happiness, to be honest. I do perk up when there is a song that makes me want to dance like an idiot (confession: I’m terrible at dancing and look like an idiot no matter what). I really enjoy listening to NSFW music at my desk early in the morning and late in the afternoon above the appropriate volume as my little form of rebellion. I don’t think anybody actually cares, but I feel like such a rebel!

what gets you past a bad day?
Quite honestly, it is the blogging community, Campfire Chic readers, and the silly people who connect with me on Twitter! I have quite a few of those days at my day job, and all I need to do is check my email or Twitter account and somebody is doing something amazing, saying something that makes me laugh-snort all over my keyboard, or passing along articles from the past that I wrote to other people. It’s so encouraging to know that I’m a part of something bigger than my cubicle walls.


what makes you happiest?
A lot of things make me happy, but I'd have to say the happiest is when I'm outside with my husband and our pets. Taking in the smells, the sun beating down, and just spending time with one another without focusing on the responsibilities we have.

do you have a ‘happy place’?
My true happy place is on the beach by the ocean, but living in Wisconsin it isn't always possible to get there. So my second happy place is on my bed, curled up in the corner against the wall with the pillows and blankets as I read.

do you have a favourite happy song?
I listen to a lot of sad music, haha. But one of my favorite songs that always puts me in a good mood (even though it's a rather bittersweet song) is Annie Lennox - Into the West.

what gets you past a bad day?
A good book or a good movie. Something that allows me to escape from whatever was troubling me without really avoiding it, but rather getting lost in a story and walking away feeling refreshed. It usually makes whatever was bothering me seem less stressful and I'm better able to handle it.

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