
all the small things

it's easy amidst the chaos of life to forget just how lucky we are.... we overlook the little things and instead dream of all the things that if we had would make us happy.

a couple of weeks back i guest posted on kate's blog with 3 tips for a positive mindset. i thought i'd share the printable i made with you here - a pretty printable gratitude list {click on the image below to download a full sized, printable list}

fill them in and keep them safe, then when you're having a 'down' day you cna look back over them and remember all the good in your life ♥♥♥

p.s - don't forget to enter yesterdays giveaway!!!

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  1. That quote is perfect and so very true. such a cute print out idea :)

    Zoe x

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2012

    Great idea and that is a wonderful quote. :) Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love the quote and the printable, it is adorable.

    Stop by our blog and enter our Giveaway for a personalized necklace by Sima.


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