
time for self love


this seems to be an ongoing  'thing' for me. i put myself at the bottom of the looking after list and suffer the consequences. i think to myself that i'm too busy to give myself some time. by the time the homeschooling is done, housework done, kiddos fed, played with, looked after, blogging done, crafting done, shop work done.... i'm too exhausted to think about myself.

yet i know that i am a better person all round when i take some time for me. be it a soak in bath, an hour out of the house without the kiddos, half an hour of yoga or hooping - these things keep me sane, give me back my 'zest' and make me feel oh so good.

i was excited yesterday when the lovely elisabeth emailed me last night about the '30 days mind & body' that she was participting in with a few other bloggers. it was just the push that i needed.

you can read more about the challenge on Betsy's blog

I'm commiting to:

daily yoga or hooping time
earlier nights + less work in the evenings
healthier food
weekly 'me' dates

join in??

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