
guestpost // 10 ideas to make life more amazing

It's almost exactly halfway through the year and it feels like a great time for a little bit of inspiration.   Whether time is moving too slowly for you as you look forward to things, or this year is flying by to fast; there is always a moment to stop and remind ourselves how to enjoy our time.  

Personally, I'm a worrier and a victim of both feelings above.  This particular month is moving slowly for me because I have a road trip to the west coast next month, but the year in general is flying by as I speed along towards things that I know are coming down the line in my future. Scary things like my best friend moving out of the country, growing up and buying my first house, as well as the big 3-0 looming in my future a few years away... So this is as much necessary for me to remind myself as I imagine a lot of you need! 

So without further ado, I give you: 

10 Ideas to Make Life More Amazing

(and hopefully cause you to love a longer and stress-free life!)

#1: Fall in love all over again with everything.

With every friend, stranger, blade of grass, face, or memory.
Fall in love for the first time with that special someone,
or fall in love all over again with your lifelong partner.

#2: Take Vacations
We work ourselves much too hard which isn't healthy.
Taking time away from the house chores, the job, the kids, etc. is a necessity!

#3: Document Your World
Take pictures, blog it, write it down in a notepad...
Years later you'll be able to share it with other people.
Or look back on it when you're having a rough day.

#4: Take Up New Hobbies
It's always fun to learn something new that you can create.
Start running, crocheting, jewelry making, camping, etc. You are a rock-star!

#5. Take Naps
Just like when you were a kid, a nap can adjust any attitude.
Take some time to rest, your body and mind need it!

#6: Surround Yourself with Only Good People
Why allow negative people to suck the life out of you?
Cut them out.  Keep only the good people and you'll feel so much better.

#7: Treat Yourself
It's okay to go buy yourself some new shoes or eat that cake once in a while.
You deserve a little treat now and again-reward yourself!
(And remember, treats are okay in moderation-don't over do it!)

#8: Be Kind to Your Body
Exercise, drink water, meditate, feed yourself good things, etc.
It's the only body you're going to get, so treat it well so it will last you.

#9. Pick Your Battles
Yes you should stand up for yourself
But know when it's worth it and when it will just tear you down.
Sometimes it's easier to just let go of the little stuff.
It will leave you happier.

#10: Leave the Past in the Past
No regrets or carrying it with you, that's the past.
You can't go back and change it.
You can only learn from it and move on.
Stop carrying the bad stuff around with you.
You only hurt yourself over and over again.
Take only the good and go forward.  Just keep going forward.


So there we have it.  We already know all of this, but it's good to be reminded once in a while or we forget.  I hope you have a great summer, year, and life! Please don't hesitate to come visit me, I love new bloggy friends! 

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  1. This is something I really needed today! Thank you for posting this! <3 I will be checking out your blog!

  2. I love this!! So true!!

  3. Very inspiring and beautiful. Thank you for this post! <3


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