Found my mojo hiding somewhere, have given myself a kick up the butt and got going on some gardening (a little later than I planned but still..)
We've decided that we just don't have the time to commit to our allotment and do as much there as we'd like, it's difficult for me to do much on my own there with the little one, it's a half hour walk there and back, so it takes a big chunk of time out of my already full days to even pop there for a 'quick' watering session.
So we're going to do our growing at home, we have onions and garlic in the allotment so when they are harvested we'll make a final decision as to whether to keep it or let it go.
I managed to find some great bags in town the other day, similar to what I'd seen in an organic gardening catalogue, to use to grow our potatoes and squash in (and for a fraction of the price!)
We got the first lot of potatoes in yesterday, and the next bags are filled up and covered, soil warming watiting for more things to be planted in them.
Also yesterday I sowed lots of seeds: peppers, mint, oregano, butternut squash, chili peppers and sunflowers for the girls! Am going to buy some new strawberry and tomato plants as I lost all last years babies when we moved house.