
guestpost // paper chain fairies diy

Last weekend we had lots of fun decorating the girl’s bedroom windows with fairy paper chains. I thought it would be fun to share our pattern. So here’s a little how to for all “This Enchanted Pixie” readers

First we traced one of the fairies from the PDF image onto the top edge of a piece of paper .

Then we folded the paper into a concertina and cut out the selected areas, taking care not to cut through the wing joins.

Now for the fun part...

Opening out your paper chain...

These little paper chain fairies look really pretty draped from the window.

Here is the PDF pattern for you to download to make your own Paper chain Fairies!

suzy blogs over at a soulful life, she also has an etsy shop where she sells waldorf creations. she is kindly offering three of her patterns to one lucky reader! you can enter to win below:

Knitting and Crochet  Pattern for a 16 - 18 inch Waldorf Doll "Forest Fairy Frock"Knitting Pattern for a  16 - 18 inch Waldorf Doll "Brambleberry Turtleneck Sweater)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. These are adorable, I remember making paper chain dolls when I was younger so it makes me feel so nostalgic. Thanks for sharing!

  2. loooove that paper chain, definitely doing this w/ my preschool class this week!!

  3. brilliant idea, thanks for sharing! We're so having paper fairies at our windows :) x


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