
photo an hour

9am fruit ready for a morning juice

10am - morning cuddles for our new guinea pig

11am - time for some music

12pm - snack lunch

1pm - library trip

2pm - blowing out her 'candle'

3pm - trip to the farmers market

4pm - snatching 5 minutes for a cookie and some juice :)

5pm - first conker of the year

6pm - after dinner walk

7pm - bathtime

8pm - peace at last!

9pm - mama time

yesterday was a fairly quiet day. we had a busy weekend, and the kiddos had two super late nights... meaning three tired and cranky girls all day! we took it easy all day, and i got the kiddos tucked up nice and early.. today we're heading out to the museum :)

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  1. Looks like a relaxing day, loving all the photos and the photos of yummy fruit :) Cute blog you have here, glad I stumbled upon it.

  2. I love 'Riding in Cars with Boys'!!!!! Now I want to watch it too!


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