
diy // super seeds >>>>

a while back, i bought a packet of mixed ground seeds from a health food shop. packed full of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed and flaxseed, they contain essential fatty acids,vitamins and minerals. they're great sprinkled on cereal, mixed into muffins, added to soups and stews - they can be added to pretty much anything you like! it was a great way to add a bit of extra goodness to our everyday diets. anyways, a packet works out pretty expensive, so i figured it would be cheaper to make my own. you can pick up bags of seeds pretty inexpensively.

pick the seeds of your choice, use equal ish portions {i used around 1/4 cup of each to make one jarfull} place together in your blender/food processor and blitz until ground! store in a airtight jar.

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  1. Definitely going to do this! We make out own peanut butter and it would be great to add something like this in. Same with the banana smoothies always being made in this house :)

  2. I keep seeing all these great sounding ideas for nuts and seeds. Alas, my middle son has a mild nut allergy and my youngest had a really bad reaction to seeds (which makes me reluctant to try them again). Some day we'll be done breastfeeding (the youngest) and then I'm going to be all over this! (:


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