
Etsy Love: PrincessSienna

Hey there! Tell us a little about yourself and your shop:
My name is Sienna, I am a twenty year old cosmetologist from California. Inside my shop you will find various feather hair accessories that are inspired by Native American culture.

What is your inspiration?
I like to draw my inspirations from an array of different sources, from nature to the amazing fashion that dominated the 1960s. I also use my career as a hair stylist to my advantage by being able to know how things can compliment styles/face shapes/skin tone, etc.

Have you always wanted to have a creative career?
Ever since I knew what a career was did I want to have a creative one in the arts, media, and entertainment. I love being able to profit off of my love for aesthetics, not only in my making hair accessories and jewelry but in my 40 hour work week as well.

Describe a typical day in your life:
A typical day in the life of Sienna involves spending a long time doing my eye makeup, meals with my husband, going to work at the salon and afterwards, perusing the internet for more stimulation for my shop. I also enjoy photography and making music with my husband.


What are you currently obsessed with?
Always obsessed with Edie Sedgwick, Twiggy, Native American culture, cats, feathers, nature, colourful hair, photography, MarioKart, and film.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Hopefully financially stable, just being able to do what I love for a living. I think that's what everyone strives for. And with good reason, that's what life is all about.

♥♥ stay in touch! ♥♥ follow this blog ♥♥ twitter ♥♥ facebook ♥♥ etsy ♥♥


  1. This is incredibly cool.  Loving it - thanks for sharing Polly!

  2. Ooo, she sounds wicked awesome! :D I'm so gonna be checking her blog and store out - thank you, Polly!!!

  3. Oooh, thanks for brining Sienna to our attention!  She's another one with a strong sense of self and artistic direction.

  4. Hey guys, it's Sienna [featured above]. My shop is pretty bare right now but stay tuned because I'm going to be adding a whole lot more during these next couple days! Thanks for your kind words <3


Hey! Thanks for leaving a message. I read and appreciate every one :)