
Dreaming BIG


You might remember the review and giveaway I posted a couple of weeks ago for the 2012 Creating Your Goddess Year Workbook and Planner. Since then I've been working my way through it, realsing the present year that is now coming to an end and starting to dream big for next year.This is one of my favourite activites as the year draws to an end.This year particuarly it is really inspiring me, I was full of plans to make 2012 my best year ever and this is just the tool I need to helpe me focus on what I want to achieve.

If you are looking for some guideance in dreaming big, this planner is for you - here's some of what you get inside:
  • A monthly calendar
  • A look at the year past
  • Creating affirmations for your new year
  • Creating a list of things to do when everything sucks
  • Art therapy techniques to help you work out what works in your schedule & what doesn’t
  • Creative projects to help you dream bigger
  • Deciding on a powerful theme for your year
  • Making new year habits that sustain, nourish & inspire you
  • Making goals in every part of your life
  • How to make those goals actually happen & make your big dreams become true.

One of my favourite parts of the planner is the '100 things to do in 2012' section - I love dreaming up fun, silly, creative, big or whimsical things to put in here {and I've had some great input from my twitter and facebook friends too!} Here's the first page of mine:

p.s SORRY for my terrible writing :/
if you have any suggestions to add please leave me a comment!

This year I've also gone one step further - I've joined the Goddess Circle - a sacred circle of women online, helping each other to be the goddess you truly are. In Goddess Leonie's words:

The Goddess Circle is more than a virtual women’s group — it gives you access to every product, program, guidebook and e-course I’ve ever created. My life’s work. Delivered to you. With love & luminous blessings for the adventure of (your) lifetime.
As a Goddess sister in the Circle, you’ll receive audio meditations to soothe your soul. Illustrated workbooks to create clarity & intention around difficult decisions. E-courses to supercharge your creativity, expand your business & wrangle your fears. Guidelines to get your house decluttered & in your inner world order. Cleanses to bring your body into health & radiance. Everything you need to live, work, play & create like the Goddess you’re becoming.
I have been thinking about this step for a while, and right now it feels like the right thing to do. I am so excited to start on this new journey for a fantastic 2012.

There are several fantastic e-courses {all of which are included in the goddess circle membership} that you can buy seperatley too - visit the Goddess Shop to investigate!

♥♥ stay in touch! ♥♥ follow this blog ♥♥ twitter ♥♥ facebook ♥♥ etsy ♥♥

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh! Such fun!!! I really would LOVE joining the circle, but I can't afford that right now. :( I'm so excited for you, however. I love big goals, dreaming pick and positivity! Woohoo!


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