
*8Things: Warning Signs

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Playing along with Rachelle over at Magpie Girl - "Today at *8Things I’m thinking about all the little clues I carry around that show me when I’m not standing in my own power. If any of these show up, it’s a sure sign that I need to stand a little stronger. I use them as a warning sign to help me clue in and change my approach."

 1. Ignoring my phone and hiding away from the world.
2. Saying "I don't care" way too much.
3.  Agreeing with someone rather than speaking my mind.
4. Buying convenience foods.
5. Give in to feelings of being hard done by.
6. Stop painting.. when I'm feeling insignificant I stop painting because I don't think I'm good enough.
7. Being jealous of others.
8. Opening that bottle of wine.

If you haven't checked out Rachelle's site then you really should hop on over and check it out. Rachelle Mee-Chapman is a beautiful soul who offers support, wisdom, E lessons, inspiration and love to creative souls.


  1. The idea of warning signs is really cool. I have some of the same ones as you. Hiding away from the world. Convenience foods. Wine...

    If you start look at these things as alarm bells, it makes it much easier to walk in the opposite direction.

    Thanks for sharing your list Polly!

  2. The idea of warning signs is really cool. I have some of the same ones as you. Hiding away from the world. Convenience foods. Wine...

    If you start look at these things as alarm bells, it makes it much easier to walk in the opposite direction.

    Thanks for sharing your list Polly!


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