
List 3: Things to be thankful for

:: My 3 beautiful daughters
:: A husband who works so I can stay home with the girls
:: The time to paint and create
:: The lovely people I’ve met through this virtual world
:: And the lovely people I've met in the real world
:: Finding myself, regardless of the pain from leaving the past behind
:: The freedom to unschool my girls
:: A world of limitless possibilities

I can go from being all "Happy, Happy" one day, to totally and utterly miserable the next. At times like that it's hard to see that there is beauty and good all around me. I might add to this list as I think of more, just to remind myself that life is good ALL the time x


  1. Hi Polly , i find having a thankful list helps me too its so easy to get caught up in the bad things and overlook the blessings we have .
    Hope you are feeling ok today

    love & blessings

    Lucy x

  2. I think it's important that we all remember things that we are thankful for. Too often days whizz by and we don't stop and think about the things that really matter. We get so caught up in the bad things that are happening sometimes, getting stressed and worn out when things aren't going how we want them to be. Sometimes we just need to positively affirm all the wonderful things that surround us.
    Thank you for making me remember that.

    Jules x

  3. This has really inspired me to do the same thing. Just like you I go from feeling really happy to depressed. I have been checking out your blog for a while now and I'm a big fan>

    Much love xx

  4. This has really inspired me to do the same thing. Just like you I go from feeling really happy to depressed. I have been checking out your blog for a while now and I'm a big fan>

    Much love xx


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