
Quiet times.....

I seem to have been very quiet of late again.... I've been busy trying to level myself... to even out the highs and lows and to find myself. I've been lost for so long, unsure of who I am, unsure of what I want and what I need. I've been burying myself in day-to-day life, of enjoying my girls, trying to find my footing in the real world again. I've been painting some, crafting some and journalling some. I've discovered a great book which I will blog about very very soon.

Sometimes I loose my voice... I feel that I have nothing worth writing here, that anything that I do write is not good enough... that anything I create is not good enough. I have to stop comparing myself to others and just be content with what I have to say and what I can create.

Sometimes I'm scared of putting myself out there, of saying this is who I am, like it or not.

I need to overcome my fears and just let this be a space to write whatever I feel like writing and not worry if others like it/agree with it/understand it!

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